Which type of servers for an Online Data Backup Business? [closed]

I want to start a new business : Online Data Backup (such as Mozy, Carbonite, Sosonlinebackup, etc.)

The software and the web-access application are almost developed.

My questions are :

  1. What type of servers should I use? Dedicated? Cloud servers? Managed or not? etc.
  2. Can you advice me for which provider should I go?
  3. I know that I want to offer an “unlimited bandwidth” plan and extensible storage disk, are there other requirements that are so important and I have to look for?

Thanks a lot for your answers and have a nice day 🙂


Re 1: Online backup – your main problem is not processing power but STORAGE. At cloud prices you are dead in the water before you even start moving. What you need is an architecture that allows scalability of your storage to hundreds possibly of terabytes. There are special server cases for that that hold 60 3.5″ hard discs, and nexsan has a nice monster, too. if anything requires renting space in a datacenter it is online backup. You also have to figure out how to backup yoru data or not (which has to reflect in the contracts with users). Managed or not is not even a question here – I would assume any maanged offer would be expensive as you dnt use stnadard elements for a hoster anyway.

Re 2: This is not an advice for hosting here. Market information requests are not the scope of the site.

Re 3: This is not a startup advisory forum either.

Voted to close.

Source : Link , Question Author : Julien , Answer Author : splattne

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