Where Does the Ubuntu “System Ready” Drum Roll Come From?

Was it sampled from a song? Was it created as original content for the operating system?


The sound is composed by Nathaniel McCallum, according to the copyright file included in its package. Most likely, it is original content.

$ head -n 6 /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-sounds/copyright
This is Ubuntu's GNOME audio theme.

Copyright (C) 2004 Canonical Ltd. <http://www.canonical.com>
Sounds composed and recorded by Nathaniel McCallum <npmccallum@canonical.com>

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

For users who are unaware, the “system ready” drum roll refers to the sound played when the user has reached the login screen. The sound length is 1 second.

The sound is available as system-ready.ogg file that is included in the ubuntu-sounds package, or can be found at full path on your system as below.


The package is installed by default in Ubuntu releases only.

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