where can I learn the limitations of /LEV:n option of Robocopy command

Hey I am moving a file server to another datacenter. I use robocopy but I don’t know the limits of the /LEV:nutility. Is this “n” can be 100 or something for some crazy admins? I searched but I didn’t find any info about the maximum level size of LEV.

(I am new around here and also in these type of jobs. So please inform me before giving negative feedback)


The limit is higher than you’ll be able to actually make use of.

I was able to get it to accept a value of 999999999, but at 1000000000, it threw ERROR : Invalid Parameter #3 : "/lev:1000000000". Presumably, this means that the parameter will accept numbers up to 9 decimal places long, but not 10, making the maximum value 1 less than a billion.

Of course, you’ll run into path length limits long before that, and I frankly can’t even begin to imagine a use for high values in the lev parameter.

This done in Windows 7, SP1, with PowerShell 4, if anyone cares to check other OS and/or robocopy versions for comparison, though it seems like a thoroughly pointless exercise to me.

Behold my fearsome screenshot, which shows me trying to copy my C drive to a subfolder on the C drive. I cancelled the operation as quickly as I could, of course.

enter image description here

Source : Link , Question Author : mustafatufan , Answer Author : HopelessN00b

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