When coming out of sleep mode, the system drive is put into read-only mode?

I just want to preface this by saying that I’m very new to Linux, so I’m sorry if I don’t understand something that should be obvious.

Basically, I run Ubuntu off of a USB drive on my laptop. After I close the laptop and it goes into sleep mode, when I wake it up, the whole USB drive is in read-only. This was a pain the first time it happened because I couldn’t save any of my work, and had to restart to fix the problem. What could the cause of this be, and how would I fix it? The next time I can, I’ll get the logs and post them here. Thanks!


Okay, I figured out a work-around. I just went into the settings and changed the action for closing the laptop to “do nothing.”

Source : Link , Question Author : Nawor3565 , Answer Author : Nawor3565

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