What URL should I use to test IBM cognos Mobile, and what are the expected results?

I need to test IBM Cognos Mobile functionality and need to have an accurate baseline/reference point.

What URL should I use to test Cognos? Is it https://server.somthing.com/IBMCognos/M <– trailing M?

I’m getting different results in different browsers so I’m not sure what is expected, or if there is some undesired redirection occurring.



To use the IBM Cognos Mobile WebApp on the other supported devices, open a web browser to the following URL:
http:// servername/ibmcognos/m or http:// servername/ibmcognos/m/isapi

(Had to insert a space in the URLs, markdown complained about the “servername” URL. Which is stupid.)

Source : Link , Question Author : makerofthings7 , Answer Author : mfinni

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