What is the Firefox keyboard shortcut to open plain text url in new tab?

There are still webpages which contain full urls as plain text but without the link functionality.

What I mean: www.google.com
What I don’t mean: www.google.com

Is there a keyboard shortcut in Firefox to open that url in a new tab after selecting it with the mouse? I know I could do CTRL + C, CTRL + T, CTRL + V, ENTER but there should be something shorter. In Opera 12 you could do CTRL + B to accomplish what I am looking for.


This ADD-ON : Search Selected Shortcuts

Alt + s: Google search the selected text

Alt + q: Google search the selected text, but also put them in Double Quotes. E.g. you’ve selected, say, best creed album, then it will do a search of “best creed album”

Alt + c: Google search the selected text, but only search in the current site. I.e. it will do a search like, hackish site:stackoverflow.com

Alt + i: Google image search

There is nothing native to FF that does what you are asking at this time according to Mozilla’s documentation.

Source : Link , Question Author : AplusKminus , Answer Author : Narzard

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