What is the best multi-account Twitter client?

I used Gwibber in the past to follow two Twitter accounts I have. To distinguish between the two, it was possible to assign a different colour to each account.

Now I’m trying to use Gwibber again but the colour assign feature seems gone. Instead tweets are marked with a tiny twitter icon on the right ONLY when you hover to the right of a post.
enter image description here

Unfortunately the icon is the same for both accounts.

So my real question is: How do I distinguish posts in one twitter feed from the other? If Gwibber cannot do that any longer, is there a different Twitter client that can do the trick?


An option would be to use Polly.
It has great support for multiple twitter accounts.

Here is an article about the app:
enter image description here

Although the article has download links / instructions you may want to get it from the official launchpad page:

Source : Link , Question Author : To Do , Answer Author : Steffen Christensen

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