What CHKDSK exactly logging and reporting, ‘flashing’ messages on prompt?

Seems nobody interested in giving answer to be exact about this ‘issue’ on last post.

So i just re-writing up new thread with question as more simply.

enter image description here

This is the screen just before exiting chkdsk. There were bad sectors on the disk. In that case some files, I heard, could be deleted when chkdsk is executed with /r switch, so I turned it off in haste. As you see, chkdsk didn’t leave any messages that it deleted or modifed something. Still could there be any files already deleted? When I checked it out after the terminaton no found.xxx folder or chk file was found.

It is said that there could be losses in the data recorded on the sectors marked as bad in the recovery process using /r switch. What I’d like to know is if there could be any possibility that when the job occurred it proceeded without leaving any job history on the prompt screen.


As I told in another answer, files are not deleted during /r operation. It only goes through the data in the disk, and if some part of a file is in a bad sector area, then another sector is allocated to replace that bad sector. That sector is empty, which means that the file is still corrupted on that position.

So, there is no difference if chkdsk did something with the /r switch or not, the files are still corrupted and cannot be recovered unless handed out to a professional recovery company.

I don’t know for sure, but I think that chkdsk will show messages about the reallocation of bad sectors when going through the disk.

Source : Link , Question Author : Velks , Answer Author : Tero Kilkanen

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