What are reasons to name (or not name) ElasticLoadBalancer resources in AWS CloudFormation?

The AWS CloudFormation (CFN) documentation allows naming of ElasticLoadBalancers (ELB). If I name an ELB, the following restrictions apply:

If you specify a name, you cannot do updates that require this resource to be replaced. You can still do updates that require no or some interruption. If you must replace the resource, specify a new name.

As I see it, one of the reasons for naming an ELB in CFN would be to prevent accidental replacement of an ELB, which would result in a new CNAME record to be changed. It seems to me, that I always want to name an ELB. Is there additional reasoning or best practices that I should be aware of concerning the naming of ELBs?


Source : Link , Question Author : M. Glatki , Answer Author : Community

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