we are performing mysql crawling on 4 different client environments which has centos7 by upgrading maven dependecy jar version from 5.1.6 to 8.0.2

we are performing crawling on our four different client environments by upgrading maven dependecy jar version from 5.1.6 to 8.0.2.

As per below mysql link connection should be established to mysql server from client environment using ssl(i.e through SSL Handshake.)after upgrading to maven dependency jar version 8.0.2.


it is performing ssl handshake by using code itself for connecting to mysql server from 3 environments as expected and as per given in documentation.

But in one environment after upgrading to maven dependency jar version 8.0.2. it is not using ssl handshake to connect to mysql server rather it is connecting through jdbc url with username and password to connect to mysql server which was the case in previous version of maven dependency jar version 5.1.6.

code we are using is for maven dependency jar version 8.0.2 :


Code we are using for maven dependency jar version 5.1.6.


Steps Taken to trouble shoot the issue- we have downgraded the maven dependency jar version from 8.0.2 to5.1.6 and upgraded again to 8.0.2.
still it is asking for username and pass which is the case of lower maven dependency jar version 5.1.6.

Would any of you please guide us how to proceed further in order to trouble shoot this issue.


Source : Link , Question Author : surya , Answer Author : Community

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