VPN Redirection based on specific domain and IP

I have a VPN connection on my mac and I try to redirect (1) only some IP range and (2) domain throw VPN connection.

  1. I achieved to redirect all IP range from through VPN by creating a file /etc/ppp/ip-up and write it :

    /sbin/route add -net -interface ppp0
  2. For the redirection of all hostname from a domain (ie. *.domain) to the VPN, I tried to define the DNS Name Server address in the parameters of the VPN connection but it doesn’t work (cf. picture).

Is there another way to (a) redirect all *.domain to the VPN or (b) use firstly the remote DNS server ?

Many thanks

enter image description here


Source : Link , Question Author : Alexis G , Answer Author : Community

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