VIM does not detect syntax of .ssh/config

vi ~/.ssh/config
  :set syn?

When I do:

set syn=sshconfig

Then the syntax highlighting is as it should be.

Why isn’t the filetype automatically identified? And how can it be set automatically?


Assuming what you’ve done is created a symlink ‘~/.ssh’ to a folder named ‘ssh’ somewhere else on your system, for example ~/git/ssh, you have 2 options:

Solution A

inside ‘~/.vim/ftdetect/ssh.vim’ put the following line:

au BufNewFile,BufRead */ssh/config  setf sshconfig

Solution B

Make sure that the folder which the symlink resolves to is called ‘.ssh’

The culprit file ⇒ /usr/share/vim/vim73/filetype.vim:

au BufNewFile,BufRead ssh_config,*/.ssh/config  setf sshconfig

Source : Link , Question Author : Erik , Answer Author : mullikine

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