very Slow machine when searching the network

We are using a Dell desktop machine with 2 GB RRAM & Pentium D 3.00 GHz.

The machine is very slow when using our Sales program and searching over the local network.

We have this problem on 2 machine which are the same spec – This one and another.

All of our other machine (10) run fast with no issues.

Our server is SBS 2008 and AV is AVG. All of our client machines are WinXp Pro SP3 using the latest drivers.

Any ideas?


Check that the network card drivers are the proper version and the network cards are set to the same speed (autonegotiation can cause glitches in switches).

Check that output from sysinternals tools like procmon and the procexplorer are matching on the two machines when performing the same task.

Nothing in the system logs?

Wireshark to monitor traffic over the wire, see if they’re the same?

Checked for malware using spybot (you already said you have AV, is it updated fully?)

Anything odd with the hard disk, chkdsk finding issues, etc.?

Source : Link , Question Author : Adam Chetnik , Answer Author : Bart Silverstrim

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