Upgrade YAZ to YAZ 5

I try to use MarcEdit 6. If I use its tool “Z39.50/SRU Client” to search for any book in any offered library-database it doesn’t work and I get the message

"Exception Information: Message: yaz4_64.dll
Source: Zoom.Net.YazSharp
Stack Trace: [...very long text...]"

MarcEdit 6 needs YAZ 5. I installed yaz 4.2.30-2.1build1 which is the only version offered in Ubuntu Software Center – neither is there a version 5 nor any possibility to upgrade. Without knowing what I was doing I also did what is recommended but I’m not sure if I did everything right and if I didn’t, where I made a mistake. Maybe somebody can help me with this very specific question.

In the linux_install.txt file of MarcEdit 6 there is recommended:

d) Yaz.Sharp.dll.config — ensure that the dllmap points to the correct version of the shared libyaz object.

I have no idea what this means.

During the installation of MarcEdit 6 I did nothing exceptional (I unzipped the downloaded file, installed “mono” and executed MarcEditor via the terminal). During the installation of YAZ I first manipulated my sources.list file as recommended in the above README link and finally just got YAZ via the Software Center).

I installed libyaz 5 (sudo apt-get install libyaz5-dev) and it’s still the same problem when searching with the Z39.50 client.

I now also changed Yaz.Sharp.dll.config to version 5 (instead of before: dll="yaz3.dll"):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
   <dllmap dll="yaz5.dll" target="libyaz.so" />


I don’t know if you will see this now, but the config you want to use is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

    <dllmap dll="yaz4_64.dll" target="libyaz.so.5" />

This works for me.

Source : Link , Question Author : Michael Käfer , Answer Author : David Foerster

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