unique visitors on multiple servers

I have several servers’ apache access logs (multiple servers serving the same domain). What’s the simplest way to calculate unique visitors for a given period. I’,m on linux, so the linux environment solution is preferable

I don’t want to install AWStats just to get the numbers right now. Or is it really the easiest way?


You can’t determine actual unique human visitors from an access log. If you’d like to make an assumption that each unique client IP address is a unique visitor, then you can just feed all the logs for the time period you want through cut -d ' ' -f 1 |sort -u |wc -l (assuming the standard log format where the client IP is the first field). This doesn’t take into account monitoring, spiders, NAT, proxies, or dynamic IP addresses, but you can’t do much better than that without spending (much) more time than it would take to setup awstats.

Source : Link , Question Author : disjunction , Answer Author : womble

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