Unable to use Netflix – still asked to install silverlight. Firefox, pipelight, silverlight enabled, passed troubleshooting

I have recently got hold of a new laptop running Ubuntu 14.04.

I tried to set up netflix using the pipelight package as I had done previously on my old laptop using Mint 14. Now however, despite having followed the installation and configuration instructions given for Ubuntu and installing and configuring User Agent Overrider on Firefox.

However, I’m still confronted with a message telling me I need to install the silverlight plugin when I try to watch anything on Netflix.

I have also troubleshooted as described on their FAQ and everything seems fine. I’ve trawled the internet for solutions, but can’t seem to work it out.

Does anyone please have any suggestions as to why this might be and how I might fix it?


I ran into this exact same problem on an older system, and thought that Netflix had changed something, but it was fixed by following hal7df’s suggestions to:

 sudo pipelight-plugin --enable silverlight

Which downloaded the newest Silverlight, 5.1, and worked immediately. You might try double checking your install and rerunning those commands, just to be sure. I’ve also seen issues with the apt keys used for pipelight from time to time. Good luck!

Source : Link , Question Author : bugjunkie , Answer Author : Tijok

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