Unable to join meetings at Adobe Connect?

I need to join some online meetings being held over Adobe Connect.

After signing in, the meeting loading page opens and the progress bar goes from 0 to 100% with the message as connecting…

However the meeting never connects and eventually, I get the error message:

“The Meeting Room could not connect to the Adobe Connect Server. Please re-launch the Meeting Room, or refresh your browser to restore the connection.”


On troubleshooting, I found that am missing the Adobe Connect add-in. But I am unable to get how I resolve this?


I don’t use Adobe connect, but here is what I did. I downloaded Adobe connect add-in 8, and I installed on Ubuntu 13.04. I just press Ctrl+Alt+T on the keyboard to open Terminal. When it opened, I navigated to where the file was downloaded, in my case it was the Downloads folder, and I ran the following command:

sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Screenshot of the installation window:

enter image description here

Make sure that you have flash installed and setup on the machine prior to installing the add-in. Hope that helps.

Source : Link , Question Author : charlie , Answer Author : Mitch

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