Ubuntu login screen won’t let me log in

I’m a windows user (hopefully not soon), and I’m really unexperienced with linux right now. I just installed ubuntu-mate 16.04 on a separate internal hdd.

When I enter recovery mode and use the root shell and enter startx, I get a few errors.

Fatal server error: could not create lock file in /tmp/.tX0-lock
Giving up
Unable to connect to x server: connecton refused
Server errr
Error in locking authority file /root/.Xauthority
[DEPEND] dependency failed for cryptography setup for cryptswap1
" dependency failed for encrypted volumes
Dependency failed for dev-mapper-cryptswap1.device
Dependency failed for /dev/mapper/cryptswap1
Dependency failed for swap

Those are the errors I get with startx.

When I log in normally, (fixed an issue where my password was always incorrect) and I put in the password, the screen goes black, flickers text all over the place and random colors like I’ve seen during boot, then goes back to the login screen.

Please help me if possible.

Thank you all!


Reinstalling Ubuntu seems to have fixed my problems. Thanks for the help!

Source : Link , Question Author : Eric G. , Answer Author : Eric G.

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