Ubuntu : Disable access to file-manager, keyboard,mouse(Touch screen available) for guest account

I am looking to configure Ubuntu(Any version, new installation) for presentation in which I would like to do the following things :

  1. Automatic guest-login at startup.
  2. Completely disable keyboard,mouse, USB ports, there is a touch-screen available which the user can use.
  3. Disable TTY access i.e ctrl+alt+F2,F3, and so on.
  4. No access to file-system via nautilus.

I can just purge nautilus simply to complete the 4th point, if there is any other decent approach, kindly let me know.

Suggestions for any points or more security are always welcome. Thank you.


  1. look here. That should do the trick
  2. lsmod | grep usb to list all usb modules being loaded right now and then unload these modules with sudo rmmod usb_whatever
  3. look here here. But keep in mind, that if you disable that, it could lead to problems if the X-Server is not starting.
  4. I think that is not needed because the guest has no right to see other files than its. But even if you disable nautilus or something else for the guest user, s/he can always use the terminal to navigate through the files. But purging the file manager would be the easiest way to reach that goal, i guess. Else, find the group that manages the access for nautilus and kick guest out off it.

Source : Link , Question Author : We are Borg , Answer Author : Community

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