Transferring domain to Amazon Route 53. Being asked for NS server’s IP addresses

I’m trying to migrate an existing domain to Amazon Route 53. I’ve followed the guide at:

My current DNS host is There seem to be two areas where the NS records are stored. I looked in the zone file and updated the NS entries to point to Amazon Route53. Changing those seems to have made no difference (checked via whois).

I’ve noticed another section in the configuration portal specifically for nameserver, but in order to change them from the default, I’m being asked to enter both the FQDN of the new name servers and also its IP address.

Amazon have not said anything about the IP address of their name servers (the “Delegation Set”), and I suppose it’s simple enough to ping them and get their IPs that way. But I’m wondering if those name servers are clusters and it’s not intended that I supply a single IP address for them.

Is it safe for me to just ping each of the servers in the Route 53 delegation set and use the IP addresses I see when I ping it when transferring the domain from to Route 53?


I found the answer elsewhere on Amazon’s documentation site:

Some registrars only allow you to specify name servers using IP addresses; they don’t allow you to specify fully qualified domain names. If your registrar requires using IP addresses, you can get the IP addresses for your name servers using the dig utility (for Mac, Unix, or Linux) or the nslookup utility (for Windows).

…and using the dig utility, only a single IP address is returned in the answer section, so using that is okay according to

Source : Link , Question Author : JKim , Answer Author : JKim

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