Too many DNS zones. Need advice on what to do about them

So we have someone here who loves creating DNS zones. So much so that we now have 145 different zones. 80 of these have one A record each. It has gotten to the point where we can’t find anything easily any more. Here is an example of some of the zones.

company.lan - main zone - another main zone - one A record.  This is for our German site. - same as above but for France

There are about 80 different zones for all different countries. Has anyone run into something like this and if so, how did you clean it up? I just want a logical and readable DNS again.

Question is simply, is there a better way to manage TLDs in DNS other than having a separate zone for each TLD?


You have no choice but to have a zone for each TLD due to how DNS works.

Source : Link , Question Author : Matt , Answer Author : Nathan C

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