ThrottleStop dosen’t save SpeedShift SST Limits

ThrottleStop dosen’t save SpeedShift SST Limits in profile 1,2,3,4. I have to select a profile and everytime have to adjust speedshift limits manually opening TS. Is there a workarround for this ?

Thanks in advance !


ThrottleStop does not have an option to save the Speed Shift Min and Max Limits to different values for each profile.

Adjusting the Turbo Ratio Limits is a better way to control CPU speed and can be set to different values for each profile.

Modern CPUs save power when the cores enter a low power C state. A core in C7 is disconnected from the internal clock and disconnected from the voltage rail so it is running at 0 MHz and 0 volts.

There is no practical benefit slowing a modern CPU down. Peak power consumption will decrease when fully loaded but total power consumption to complete a task is the same. A slow CPU is an inefficient CPU. A fast CPU gets tasks done quickly and this allows the cores to spend more time in C7. That is why Intel created Speed Shift Technology.

Power Optimization – a Reality Check

Here is an example. Huge difference in CPU speed, no difference in CPU core temperature or reported power consumption.


Source : Link , Question Author : ShootingKIng , Answer Author : unclewebb

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