“Tags” blade during Azure Notificaiton Hubs setup

I’m setting up a new Notification Hub and I’ve come across a new tab/blade that I’m unsure what to do with. I don’t recall seeing this blade in the past.

I understand the notion of “tags” as a means of categorizing your notification recipient groups. Using this, I should be able to dispatch to select “tags” or groups.

But I don’t know what the “value” box is for here.

enter image description here

I’ve gone through multiple documents (a, b, c) on setting up Azure Notification Hubs but I don’t see this part of the configuration explained anywhere.

When clicking the information icon above “Name” or above “Value”, this is what’s displayed. (Both are nearly identical)

enter image description here

This tells me what a “valid” entry is, but doesn’t offer any clues into how these values will be actually used.


What is an example of a “Name” and a “Value” for the “Tags” tab? Could you please briefly describe how they are used?


It looks like this is the normal Azure resource tag configuration to me. It’s purely for your own use, as you see fit – for example, you may choose to store a Tag as Cost Center or Business Unit. It doesn’t impact the usage or function of the resource itself.

Once you’ve created a Tag once, I think it will then be automatically selectable for new Azure resources.

You can then use tags as a filter when running powershell scripts or running reports etc.

Or, you can simple leave it blank

Source : Link , Question Author : Dan Beaulieu , Answer Author : Dan

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