What is Server 2012 Essentials and how is it different from Server 2012?

In response to the recent trend of asking about features in Windows Server Essentials 2012/R2, as if they were part of the “normal” Server 2012/R2 editions (Standard or Datacenter), It seems like we could all benefit from a question about Windows Server Essentials, and how it differs from Windows Server (and establishing a couple tags … Read more

What is the WSS Certificate Web Service?

What is the WSS Certificate Web Service? I found that on Windows Server 2012 Essentials it was installed automagically. I’ve stopped the site for now, but would like to know why its there. Answer In this context, “WSS” stands for “Windows Server Solutions,” which is the platform name for the Small Business/Essentials versions of Windows … Read more

Server 2012 Network Not Showing All Devices

I am evaluating Windows Server 2012 Essentials. I have a variety of computers on my subnet, but not all of them are showing up under the NETWORK section of Explorer on the server. Several Windows 7 computers are showing up, but my Windows XP computers are not. Nor is my Windows Home Server. Nor are … Read more

Network folder marked offline and will not go back online when accesssed by hostname

I’ve got a Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 domain with a few PCs. One PC is currently connected remotely by VPN. There were some connection issues before, which have since been resolved, but now folder redirection is not working on that client. It seems that whenever I try to access any network path using the … Read more

My company has outgrown SBS/Essentials. How do I migrate off?

My company is running SBS2008/SBS2011/Essentials, but it has grown to the point where this no longer meets our needs (We have too many employees!) and/or the software is going out of extended support. What is the migration path off of SBS/Essentials? Answer This answer is high-level because I don’t know which version of SBS or … Read more