How to get from executable to Windows Service Name (WIndows 7)

I am aware that under windows 7 the command-line commands… tasklist gets me processes (including services) currently running by it’s executable name net start shows me all the display names of started services. (“pretty” display names, not the shorter, space-less service names) What I would like to achieve on the command line is from executable … Read more

Access denied (5) for net user /domain command

I would like to get some help debugging an issue we are experiencing in a specific server. We have a web application that uses windows accounts to validate user credentials and groups. We noticed that when we deployed to a specific server, we were not able to validate any accounts other than the account the … Read more

How could I found net.exe activity log in windows server 2019?

I have Windows Server 2019. it is a database server(MSSQL Server) in the intranet environment. I monitor Its Process and I found sometimes the below process runs automatically without any cause. “C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe” /c “net localgroup administrators” “net localgroup administrators” I check my user’s list and group list and I don’t see any new users. I … Read more

Net User Command: Searching for list of users?

I am using this command net user joe.blogs /domain what syntax do I use to search 20 users? How to separate the names to make it search for the users? Answer This is not supported, you can’t give multiple users to this command: You should take a look at Get-ADUser instead AttributionSource : Link … Read more

how to easily reconnect to “unavailable” network shares

Every once in a while, I run cmd as my admin user. I set up a shortcut for convenience sake… C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe /u:admin.user@domain cmd At some point, I’ve wanted to run scripts that point at mapped drives available to my regular user. C:\Windows\system32>net use Status Local Remote Network ——————————————————————————- Unavailable L: \\fileserver\shared\path Microsoft Windows Network Unavailable … Read more