Schedule kill of port connections

We use VSS in our company, but have numerous cases were we can’t backup the databases as users have locked them. Is there a way to schedule a kill of all connetions to the source safe service. Or any Rekommandation? Regards, Alan Answer Hmmm, stopping the server service seems a bit extreme. You can disconnect … Read more

Restoring VM’s in Hyper-V from a (somewhat) failed VSS backup

I attempted to do a backup of our virtualization server when moving from Hyper-V 2008 to R2. I changed the registry settings to register Hyper-V VSS with Windows Server Backup, and sent the backup on it’s way while I went on to other things. Apparently the VSS portion didn’t back-up the VM’s like I had … Read more

Volume Shadow Copy Service and the Local Settings folder(s)

Environment: Server: Windows Server 2008 Client computers: Windows XP Pro SP 3 I discovered that the “Local Settings” folder in a user’s profile’s directory does not exist when I open up the profile’s folder using Previous Verions. I already tried showing all hidden files. Any suggestions for allowing VSS to periodically back up the folder … Read more

Windows x64 2008 P2V? Has anybody had any success?

If I use VMware converter it throws Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error calling routine CoCreateInstance. hr = 0x80040154, Class not registered . Operation: Instantiating VSS server If I use Disk2vhd it throws Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error querying for the IVssWriterCallback interface. hr = 0x80070005, Access is denied. . This is … Read more

VSS Hardware Provider

I have a Windows Server 2003 Marjority Node Set Cluster. There are VDisks from our EVA8000 connected. From these VDisks I would like to create Snapshots using VSS. The Snapshots should appear in the “Previous Versions” tab from the Properties from a folder. So a user can restore his data independently. I’ve installed the HP … Read more