How to choose video encoding tecnique and parameters for visually lossless encoding

I’m converting some videos these days, most of them are encoded using wmv2 codec with a resolution of 720p or 1080p and a big (huge) bitrate (between 15 and 30 mbps) if compared to their visual quality. My aim is to keep the same visual quality but reduce their dimensions. I’m using Handbrake to re-encode … Read more

Looping in avconv with -codec copy

This is the command I’m using: avconv -loop -1 -re -i “$SOURCE” -codec copy -f flv “$FACEBOOK_URL/$KEY” I’m struggling with some performance issues when I run avconv on my server to stream a video file continuously. To reduce CPU load, I pre-encoded my video file and used -codec copy to stream it as-is. The problem … Read more

How to recover and play this seemingly damaged file

I was recording a video with an Android mobile for a minute only to discover that the phone was off by the time I stopped recording. Why would it power off, I have no idea, for the battery was “blue” yet, not “orange” level. Anyway, VLC refuses to play the file. The tools to recover … Read more

Is there any way to control the video bitrate using FFmpeg Complex Filter other than -b:v?

I am trying to compress a part of the video size by reducing the bitrate.I am using FFmpeg to divide the video frame in to tiles and then trying to control the bitrate of only one tile. After reducing the bitrate for one part of the frame i have to stitch back all the tiles … Read more

How do I use ffmpeg to increase the framerate of a video without affecting audio quality?

I have a ~30k frame video at 25 fps that I’d like to make 50 fps and keep the same running time. This would probably involve duplicating every frame. However, I’d like the audio track to be unchanged. Is this possible with ffmpeg/avconv? Thank you for any help! Answer Basic method is ffmpeg -i in.mp4 … Read more

Set an excat GoP-length open and no-open in ffmpeg

ffmpeg -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -s 1280×720 -r 50 -pix_fmt uyvy422 -i Test.yuv -c:v libx265 -x265-params keyint:150:open-gop -b:v 10M Test_open_150_10M.hevc As you can see, I’m trying to convert an yuv-files to a hevc-file with open-GoP and GoP-length 150 and a bitrate 10M. Everything works fine except the open-GoP and the GoP-length. Whatever GoP-length or open/no-open-GoP … Read more

When does FFmpeg error “requested bitrate is too low” only when a second pass is specified?

I’m trying to encoding a file with mpeg4 using ffmpeg on Windows and this works fine: ffmpeg.exe -y -i input.avi -c:v mpeg4 -q:v 3 -s 640×448 output.avi Unless I try to encode using two passes: ffmpeg.exe -y -i input.avi -c:v mpeg4 -q:v 3 -s 640×448 -pass 1 -an -f avi NUL ffmpeg.exe -y -i input.avi … Read more

Does it make sense to use HEVC instead of H.264 for encoding motion graphics?

I can’t seem to find a discussion on this, but would it make sense to encode professional video with HEVC, granted you have an Nvidia GPU? I know the format is usually used in situations where speed is more important than fidelity, but is there any way to quantify the quality difference between HEVC and … Read more

how do I read videos from a file and use ffmpeg to save each video with different bit rate?

I want to use the UGC dataset and after reading each video, save each video with a different bitrate and plot the R-D curve. for this aim, I want to use FFmpeg and automatically do the mentioned things. for this what should I do? I am a beginner in encoding and decoding the videos? is … Read more