Software for converting and cutting videos with webm support

I am looking for a file converting program to trim and convert videos into .webm format. I am currently using Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS. Answer Try the ffmpeg program: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:00:03 -t 00:00:08 output.webm This should get 8 seconds (-t 00:00:08) of input.mp4 (starting 3 seconds into the video -ss 00:00:03) and put … Read more

ask ffmpeg subtitle and watermark on debian8 with no loss quality

please help for my case i have trouble on here for ffmpeg i use the command : ffmpeg -i whiskey.mkv -threads 0 -c:v libx264 -crf 28 -preset veryslow -vf “movie=logo.png[wm];[in][wm]overlay=0:0,[out]” whiskey2.mp4 but get error root@:~/ffmpeg# ffmpeg -i whiskey.mkv -threads 0 -c:v libx264 -crf 2 8 -preset veryslow -vf “movie=logo.png[wm];[in][wm]overlay=0:0,subtitles=whiskey .srt[out]” whiskey2.mp4 ffmpeg version N-80522-ge0faad8 Copyright … Read more

FFmpeg throws error: “No decoder for stream #0:1, filtering impossible”

When i try to convert a .mov to .mp4, I get an error: No decoder for stream #0:1, filtering impossible Answer Had the same issue (with .mov and shq2 encoding 🙂 ), It turns out I just had to grab the latest ffmpeg… As time passes, ffmpeg list of supported (de)coders increases… AttributionSource : Link … Read more

Hanbrake audio annomalies with h.264 and AAC audio with large 9 GB source file

Using Handbrake 1.0.2 Source file is 9.3 GB AVI using h.264 codec lossless and AAC for audio Source file plays fine in VLC, audio sounds perfect When encoding source file to h.264 constant quality 32, AAC audio (avcodec), the audio has noticeable muffling every half a second or so. It’s really noticeable during a waterfall … Read more

How to recover and play this seemingly damaged file

I was recording a video with an Android mobile for a minute only to discover that the phone was off by the time I stopped recording. Why would it power off, I have no idea, for the battery was “blue” yet, not “orange” level. Anyway, VLC refuses to play the file. The tools to recover … Read more

How to Cut a video file and simultaneously convert it in to .mp4 format output using FFmpeg

Here is the command to cut video file ffmpeg.exe -i inputvideo.avi -ss 0 -t 10 outputvideo.avi but i want to convert it from inputvideo.avi to outputvideo.mp4 format simultaneously Thanks in advance Answer It’s just ffmpeg.exe -i inputvideo.avi -ss 0 -t 10 outputvideo.mp4 Depending on output requirements, you may need to add output options, like ffmpeg.exe … Read more

How to Cut video clip and convert from .avi to .mp4 in a fast way

Here is my command C:\Users\Example\Desktop>E:\OUTPUT\bin\ffmpeg.exe -i F:\BackUp\movie.avi -ss 4000 -t 60 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4 I am trying to cut and convert a movie.avi file from 4000(starting duration in sec) to 60 sec If my starting duration will be 0 or within 100 the process will complete faster if it more than 2000 its taking long … Read more

How do I use ffmpeg to increase the framerate of a video without affecting audio quality?

I have a ~30k frame video at 25 fps that I’d like to make 50 fps and keep the same running time. This would probably involve duplicating every frame. However, I’d like the audio track to be unchanged. Is this possible with ffmpeg/avconv? Thank you for any help! Answer Basic method is ffmpeg -i in.mp4 … Read more