Tweetdeck search column incomplete

When I add a new search column in Tweetdeck some of the chosen keywords give incomplete search results compared to search results from I tried another Tweetdeck username (for syncing), deleted the search column from the server and tried reinstalling the application. Nothing works. Weird thing is that only a few keywords do not … Read more

How do I schedule tweets in a TweetDeck?

How do I schedule sweets in a TweetDeck? Answer How to Schedule Tweets in TweetDeck for Desktops The new scheduled tweets feature is very useful for a power tweeter who want to feed followers with content round the clock. So, how to schedule tweets in TweetDeck? We have the answer AttributionSource : Link , Question … Read more

Tweetdeck: Is wyUpdate safe?

I recently upgraded tweedeck. When I close tweetdeck now I get a UAC prompt from wyUpdate program by wyDay: I can’t find anything official on this. Is this legitimate? Can someone point me to some official twitter or tweetdeck source that mentions this? It’s just strange I can’t find anything official on this anywhere. Answer … Read more

Follow one user in one column in tweetdeck

In desktop Tweetdeck, how can I follow one user in one column? It’s gotta be something dead-simple, but for the life of me, I cannot get the hang of that application’s user interface. Too out of what I’m used to. Answer It’s not possible (any more?). As a workaround, you can probably create private lists … Read more

How do I pause a HashTag Feed in TweetDeck?

I’m using TweetDeck in both Google Chrome and with Adobe AIR. When a really hot HashTag Feed comes along, it looks like a high-speed train going by and I can’t read anything. Is there anyway to pause the feed so that you can actually read the tweets? (Ya know aside from using Answer What … Read more

Add column to Tweetdeck for all tweets sent out

I currently have a column that contains a Twitter group/list containing only my twitter account. However, this doesn’t capture the reply or retweets I send. They only contain basic original tweets. Is there a way to add a column to Tweetdeck that displays all tweets I make? It should basically look like the data in … Read more