Tomcat threads number inexplicably peaking immediately after end of load test

I am testing an app on Tomcat with one hour of crazy traffic from 200 users. Everything is fine during the test. But immediately AFTER the test (no more traffic), the number of threads rises inexplicably. After a short but dangerous peak, it starts to decrease. I computed an histogram to show the problem: The … Read more

Does tomcat kills unHandled ThreadPools on undeployment of application war

Say i have an Application deployed in tomcat. And i’m initializing a threadPool there,which i forgot to shutdown in my application. When i undeploy the application war or i restart the tomcat. will tomcat kill that threadPool? I mean will this cause any memory leaks? Thanks Answer If you shutdown the PID running that JVM … Read more

Online performance tuning apache tomcat

I’m relatively new to this field and not sure whether I’m posting the question in the correct forum. I’m trying to do online parameter tuning for the TPC-W benchmark. (It is a 3-tier web application and a standard benchmark used for performance.) I have managed to set up the TPC-W benchmark. I have used tomcat … Read more

Tomcat JMX Monitoring – Busy Threads?

I’m trying to monitor Tomcat 6.0 using JMX. Specifically, I want to monitor the number of active threads servicing requests so I can get an alert if it approaches the maximum. While I have JMX monitoring working in general, I can’t seem to get the number of threads. Everything I have read suggests looking at: … Read more

Tell Tomcat to drop requests instead of dying “All threads (150) are currently busy”

My Tomcat 6.0.26 sometimes dies saying: SEVERE: All threads (150) are currently busy, waiting. Increase maxThreads (150) or check the servlet status … then Tomcat shuts down, and users can’t access the webapp until I restart Tomcat manually. Some of the threads indeed take a long time to execute, it is by-design, not a thread-gone-wild … Read more