Core usage of my VMWare instance? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 5 years ago. Improve this question Not sure why this has been flagged by a user simply because they are not reading the question, however to clarify this is … Read more

scheduled task not running

i have a problem, created a scheduled task, to run a bat file. it’s programmed to run with administrator credential, works in other tasks. the file is a normal bat file. the code inside the file is the following: @ECHO OFF REM ———————————————————————————————————————— REM ENVIOS REM ———————————————————————————————————————— IF EXIST C:\Indra\AZConnect\Export\Sonae\INVOICFF\*.* (MOVE C:\Indra\AZConnect\Export\Sonae\INVOICFF\*.* C:\Indra\AZConnect\5600000000427INT\INVOICFF\) IF EXIST … Read more

Is CPU usage measured by Process Explorer and Task manager a running average?

My application generates a short peek of high CPU usage. When the CPU intensive task is done, I see a dropping CPU usage in Task Manager and Process Explorer for a few seconds (it forms a triangle). I’m wondering if that CPU usage is a running average over a few seconds, which would explain this … Read more

What is EngineServer.exe and should I kill it? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 12 years ago. Improve this question I’ve got this process running on my work computer and it’s starting to take up quite a bit of memory. I know it … Read more

What is Last Run Result (0x80042000)?

No matter what I do, my task exits with “Last Run Result” 0x80042000. It claims to pass successfully, but it’s not doing anything — the process appears for an instant and then disappears. If I do Start/Run and type in the exact same command, then that works fine. I’ve setup the same task in Server2003 … Read more

windows 2003 Problem running a task with a non-interactive domain user

I’ve created a user account to run some tasks, If I run the task with my account but using “Run As” taskmanager user, the task runs ok (no permission problems, and get what I’m expecting). But if I run the same task using taskmanager It fails 0x1 and I get the next error on Security … Read more

WinServer 2003: Cant find process holding onto ports

We have a couple of production WCF services failing to start because their ports are apparently in use by another process. I have done a netstat -ano and found the PID’s that are using these ports, which are all in the LISTEN state. The ports for endpoints/services hosted in the same processes all have the … Read more