Why is the Anti Virus Definition file only 200MBs? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question So I downloaded a virus definition file for symantec endpoint protection. We regularly update our client’s closed network anti virus using these files … Read more

Symantec Endpoint Protection virus definition files

Are Symantec Endpoint Protection virus definition files protected by “Protect Symantec security software from being tampered with or shutdown” option? In other words I want to know if virus definition files have tamper protection in SEP? Answer OK I actually found the answer. Definitions are protected by tamper protection in SEP Described in article: TECH103176 … Read more

Symantec Endpoint Protection “portscan attack” false alarms?

On two Windows 7 machines in my LAN I have Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1 installed. Things work fine, but several time per day I get to see the following warning: I had a thorough look at the machine that is running on, but I am quite sure there is no malicious software on there. … Read more

Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 blocking internet connection

I have a user that gets blocked from the internet periodically due to a setting within Symantec Endpoint Protection . The warning he gets is similar to: Traffic from IP address is blocked from 11:53pm to 12.03am. Denial of Service is logged. Has anyone heard of this before, or have any insite as the … Read more

SEPMC fail connection

Our Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager have stopped working. I get error that the server can’t be found. It’s a single server installation where we RDP in and use the Symantec Console local on the server. But for some reason we can’t connect with the manager end. In under Services I can see that the embedded … Read more

Symantec LiveUpdate Location Based Bandwidth Throttling

I have been lumped with our Symantec Endpoint responsibilities, and would like to look at fixing a long term issue we’ve been having of LiveUpdate smashing the links to our smaller sites. I’ve done a bit of digging around Symantec’s site, but can’t work out how to actually implement location based throttling of the LiveUpdate … Read more

Installing Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) client using both GPO & Remote Push – Nothing is working

I have an Organizational Unit called Computers in Active Directory. In this OU, I have all the workstations on which I want to install SEP client. I extracted the msi file and made a network share. This msi file is on a different server than the AD. When I create a Group Policy Object, I … Read more

symantec endpoint protection geo blocking

How can I create a firewall rule that will only allow RDP connections from my country (on specified port) ? All the rest will be blocked. I am using Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.0 RU1 build 3929.1200. Answer SEPM dont have country blocking. You have to do it manually by IP range.. or use a firewall … Read more

Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Chrome Both Crash Instantly Upon Launching

I have a single Windows server (Windows Server 2016 / 1607) which has peculiar issues with web browsers. Both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Chrome crash instantly when they are launched and display the Aw Snap / This Page is having a problem error respectively, even when I launch the about:chrome page. IE11 on the … Read more

how to troubleshoot remote push install of Symantec Endpoint Protection clients fails

for some clients the installation is successful but for others the deployment fails without any error or feedback returned. is there a way to consult any logs for debugging purposes ? ps: By sniffing the traffic between the console and the target client we see that a TCP/445 session is successfully opened and that the … Read more