Tonecheck for Twitter and Facebook?

There’s a plug-in for Outlook that checks emails for language that could potentially make someone feel negative emotions called ToneCheck, and I was wondering if there was any similar software for Twitter, Facebook, bookmarklet, or webservice. Answer Currently @lymbix has only built a plugin for Outlook – but.. not to dispare because there is an … Read more

Tonecheck for Twitter and Facebook?

There’s a plug-in for Outlook that checks emails for language that could potentially make someone feel negative emotions called ToneCheck, and I was wondering if there was any similar software for Twitter, Facebook, bookmarklet, or webservice. Answer Currently @lymbix has only built a plugin for Outlook – but.. not to dispare because there is an … Read more

Tonecheck for Twitter and Facebook?

There’s a plug-in for Outlook that checks emails for language that could potentially make someone feel negative emotions called ToneCheck, and I was wondering if there was any similar software for Twitter, Facebook, bookmarklet, or webservice. Answer Currently @lymbix has only built a plugin for Outlook – but.. not to dispare because there is an … Read more

Tonecheck for Twitter and Facebook?

There’s a plug-in for Outlook that checks emails for language that could potentially make someone feel negative emotions called ToneCheck, and I was wondering if there was any similar software for Twitter, Facebook, bookmarklet, or webservice. Answer Currently @lymbix has only built a plugin for Outlook – but.. not to dispare because there is an … Read more

Purpose of Flock [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for … Read more

How to add line breaks to the specialties section of your LinkedIn profile [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Super User. Closed 11 years ago. Improve this question How can we create line breaks in a way that they are respected by LinkedIn? I’m using a Unix system (OS X). I … Read more

Is there a more reliable way than common sense to protect against social malware?

I’m sick of seeing spam on Facebook and voicemail of friends with virus-laden computers. Why, just the other day they somehow convinced 20 people I friended to use bookmarklets to infest themselves, and bookmarklets are the most confuzzling thing ever. The security experts say that phishing et al. can only be stopped by common sense, … Read more

How can I manage all my social network accounts from a single source? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Super User. Closed 11 years ago. Improve this question Like many people, I have accounts on facebook, twitter, tumblr and this and that… I’m looking for the ultimate solution for combining social … Read more

Adblock-like plugin for hiding social sites’ widgets, buttons, etc

I love Adblock plugins, and install them on a variety of browsers. They hide or remove ads, which take out a lot of clutter from sites. However, I was thinking, is there any Adblock-like plugin (the more cross-browser the better, currently using Chrome, but my Girlfriend is between Firefox and Opera) that hides social widgets, … Read more

How to block annoying facebook and other social network widgets

We have facebook buttons, twitter buttons, linkedin buttons, google+ buttons, stumbleupon buttons, younameit buttons. These social network buttons and widgets are creeping up the internets like the plague. Sometimes even with cool javascript popups which obscure content if moused over. How can I get rid of them? I mean stuff like this: and this: and … Read more