Portscan attacks from somewhere

I realize this is a lamer/beginner question, but I’ve been attacked by a couple of addresses in China and I’m not sure how to close the hole. My snort logs (yes I’m using snort! I see you are impressed) show things like this: TCP Portscan [**] [122:1:0] (portscan) TCP Portscan [**] [Priority: 3] 11/09-06:48:46.652278 … Read more

VirtualBox Networking Lab Configuration [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I’m creating a lab for a project that will test a network security defense product’s effectiveness in detecting various attacks. … Read more

Remote logging from snort to rsyslog

As part of a school project, we are supposed to run snort on a Ubuntu server in IDS mode and log the packets to rsyslog on a remote Ubuntu server. I have been searching for manuals/tutorials for a week now. I couldn’t find any helpful links. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Answer I’d suggest … Read more

specify the order of IDS , Firewall , WAF

i have an ubuntu system and i want to implement iptables as firewall, modsecurity as WAF and snort as IDS in this system and i have a server behind this system and i want to protect the server with this system. i want when the packet recieves first iptables process it then if is ok … Read more

barnyard2 for snort permission denied

I installed barnyard2 for snort, but when i run command below this error appear. [root@localhost snort]# barnyard2 -c /etc/snort/barnyard2.conf -d /var/log/snort/ -f snort.log -w /etc/snort/bylog.waldo /etc/snort/gen-msg.map /etc/snort/sid-msg.map -C /etc/snort/classification.config Running in Continuous mode –== Initializing Barnyard2 ==– Initializing Input Plugins! Initializing Output Plugins! Parsing config file “/etc/snort/barnyard2.conf” +[ Signature Suppress list ]+ —————————- +[No entry … Read more

snort-mysql not starting on Ubuntu server

I am following this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SnortIDS I’ve set up the database, everything has installed correctly, and I’ve configured the snort.conf file so it outputs to a database (with creds all filled out ok). When I run /etc/init.d/snort start, it fails but does not produce any error message other than [fail]. The last few lines of … Read more

Where is the location of snort.conf

I’ve installed Snort, but can’t find the snort.conf file in both /ect/ and /usr/local/ (and don’t have snort directory in these location as well) Do you know where’s the snort.conf My version is 2.8.6 Answer Without configure options check /var/snort/install/snort-2.8.6 or below it. You can also run find / -type f -name snort.conf which will … Read more

snort fedora core x86_64 rules

Does anyone know if where I can download the snort rules for Fedora Core 13 x86_64 not i386, if they even exist? Thanks Answer rule sets are available from http://www.snort.org & http://www.bleedingsnort.com I believe your talking about repositories in Fedora, because rule sets are not architecture specific. Happy Hacking! AttributionSource : Link , Question Author … Read more

Snort Excluding Multiple Ports From ShellCode rules

How can I specify mutliple ports to exclude from shellcode rules? I’m using the latest version of snort. I’m also interested in knowing which ports should generally be excluded. Answer For example: portvar SHELLCODE_PORTS [!80,!25] Works for me on snort AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : keyoke , Answer Author : HopelessN00b