Same url for multiple sharepoint web apps

Is it possible to have a single url to access multiple sharepoint web apps? For example in our installation we have 3 web apps mysites.hostnamme teamsites.hostname portal.hostname Is it possible to have a single url like to redirect to those corresponding web apps? Or do I have to make it all in … Read more

SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 Migration Plans

Our company had a difficult time migrating from WSS 2003 to MOSS 2007 and we’re starting to plan out our approach for migrating from MOSS 2007 to MOSS 2010. Does anyone have any plan/strategy for upgrading existing SharePoint 2007 sites to SharePoint 2010? Answer Here is a link to the SharePoint 2010 upgrade center on … Read more

SSP Admin point to new contentdb in SharePoint 2007

I have made in MOSS2007 an contentdb attachment through the UI. Now I have found out that my ssp admin isn’t working anymore. Is there a way to attach again the ssp admin to the new contentdb? Answer The answer is quite simple. When crating a SSP infrastructure do not create an Website collection as … Read more

MOSS 2007 Sharepoint Shared Services AD Import SQL/Search Error prevents user import

When attempting to import new AD users (Shared Services Administration > Shared Service > User Profiles and Properties) I receive an error on the top of the User Profiles and Properties page. “An error has occurred while accessing the SQL Server database or the Office SharePoint Server Search service. If this is the first time … Read more

Cannot install SharePoint on Windows Server 2008 Standard

I am attempting to install SharePoint 2007 (WSS 3.0) on a MS Windows Server 2008 SP2 box. Immediately after extracting the files the install fails with the error: “The installation of this package failed.” I filename was SharePoint.exe and it is the version with SP2 already in it (file size ~ 106MB). How do I … Read more

MOSS 2007 SP2 DB index maintanance

I’ve read in the “About Service Pack 2 for SharePoint Products and Technologies” paper that SP2 includes an update for the Update Statistics Timer Job that causes SharePoint to run SQL Server’s online index rebuild feature (p.4). I’m uncertain of the terminology here but is this the rebuild that SQL Server uses for minor fragmentation … Read more

error in tfs2010 dashboard

I have installed MOSS2007 along with TFS2010. While browsing through dashboards I found following error- Excel Web Access-An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator if this problem persists. The eventviewr is flooded with error- Excel Services: Unexpected exception while trying to access Shared Services Database;. Error = Cannot open database “SharedServices1_DB” requested by … Read more