How to lock down MySites but leave Profile Page visible to all?

Our company would like to have My Sites in SharePoint 2007 to start off completely locked down to just that user with the expeption of the public Profile page (person.aspx) which they want visible to the entire company. Does anyone know if this is possible and if so how to configure SharePoint to support this? … Read more

Windows SharePoint Services Search won’t stop

Background: I had been asked to create a second Sharepoint application server to reprovision the one that is currently in the SharePoint Farm. I installed the os, SharePoint, and SP1. I then began the process of moving all the services on to the new server. (The central farm consists of 2 WFE and 1 App … Read more

How to publish a page to two sites?

I am using SharePoint 2007 Enterprise + Publishing portal template + Windows Server 2008. I have a root site and a sub-site. I want to enable the following function — when the sub-site administrator publishing a page, the administrator could select to publish to the sub-site only or publish to both root site and sub-site. … Read more

asking for solution for move site from one server to another server

I am using SharePoint Server Enterprise 2007 with Windows Server 2008 Enterprise. I have a site collection which is using 3 types of sites publishing portal/wiki/blog. I want to move the template (e.g. master pages) and data from one server to another. Server domain names and IP address are different. What is the suggested way … Read more