Is ssl needed between 2 ec2 instances over private port

I have a general security question related to data sharing between ec2 services. I have 2 ec2 instances in the same aws region which communicate with each other over a Java Socket on a specific port (lets say 27200). I’ve set the firewall on their security-group so that they only accept connections from each-other over … Read more

Tomcat is logging everything to stdout

I have Tomcat 6 installed as a Windows service. All log messages from my web application dreambear (logged with getServletContext().log()) are going to the stdout log instead of the log file I specified. This happened even before I added the dreambear logger, when the messages should still have gotten to the localhost log instead stdout. … Read more

About servlet and session configuration in Tomcat

I have two web application related questions: i) If a web application contains two servlets and a customer accesses these two servlets using proper URLs, how many sessions are created? One or two? ii) Could one use HTTPS for one servlet and not for the other? Does this make sense? Thanks! Answer i) If a … Read more

How to craft a Virtual Host in Apache 2.2.x to map a Sub-Domain to a Servlet Context?

I have Tomcat 6.x installed and Apache 2.2.x. I want to map my Applications running on tomcat to sub-domains without having to specify ports and contexts. I want: to point to I have tried creating Virtual Host entries different combonations of mod_proxy and mod_rewrite and using ajp but I can’t get it set … Read more

Load balance Apache and a SOAP application over SSL while retaining client IP address

We are trying to find the most suitable load balancing solution that will work with our application, but I quickly found I don’t know much on the subject. We were going to run Varnish Cache but we use client IP addresses at various levels and SSL – starting to get complicated… please help Here’s situation, … Read more

placing war file in the webapps subdirectory of the servlet container’s installation directory

i am trying to install a particular software and it is asking me to place the .war file in the webapps subdirectory of the servlet container’s installation directory. I am not sure which location is this exactly. I know that the tomcat 6 webapps directory is in /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps but is this the directory where i … Read more

server localhost to get access to /admin/* pages and block all others

Requirements: every one in the local network can access all pages except /admin pages. only localhost should have access to the /admin pages. how to write webfilter for tomcat 6 or other alternatives? Answer Please use the following code in the filter to check if request is to “admin”: public static boolean isRequestTo(HttpServletRequest request, String … Read more

Jetty only serving static files

For some weird reason I can not get jetty to properly deploy my gwt project. I have put the war folder in the webapps folder and renamed it to root after that i can start jetty and it recognizes the project and its web.xml. 2013-12-03 12:27:49.576:INFO:oejs.Server:main: jetty-9.0.6.v20130930 2013-12-03 12:27:49.699:INFO:oejdp.ScanningAppProvider:main: Deployment monitor [file:/home/spydon/bin/jetty/webapps/] at interval 1 … Read more