Unable to use sensu-install on Windows – gem & ruby bin not in system path [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 5 years ago. Improve this question When trying to use sensu-install it fails as it cannot find Gem/Ruby: C:\opt\sensu\bin\sensu-install.bat -p sensu-plugins-windows:0.0.10 [SENSU-INSTALL] installing Sensu plugins … [SENSU-INSTALL] provided Sensu … Read more

JSON Parse Error in Windows Sensu Client Powershell Setup Script – unexpected character at line 1, column 1

I am creating a install script for Sensu on Windows and am getting this error upon starting the service: { “timestamp”: “2016-04-14T23:05:45.043371+0100”, “level”: “warn”, “message”: “config file must be valid json”, “file”: “C:/opt/sensu/conf.d/client.json”, “error”: “unexpected character at line 1, column 1 [parse.c:652]” } This error is given on all JSON config files. Here is my … Read more

Why are the sensu metrics not directly shown in Graphite?

It takes around 15 minutes, before metrics sent by Sensu appear in Graphite. Questions Why does it take 15 minutes? Is it possible to accelerate this? Discussion Although a retention of 1 minute has been configured: /opt/graphite/conf/storage-schemas.conf [carbon] pattern = ^carbon\. retentions = 60:90d [default_1min_for_1day] pattern = .* retentions = 60s:1d and both the sensu-client: … Read more

Does it make sense to use `sensu-install` as it does not deploy checks in the `/etc/sensu/plugins` directory?

[user@host ~]$ sudo sensu-install -p ansible [SENSU-INSTALL] installing Sensu plugins … [SENSU-INSTALL] determining if Sensu plugin gem ‘sensu-plugins-ansible’ is already installed … false [SENSU-INSTALL] Sensu plugin gems to be installed: [“sensu-plugins-ansible”] [SENSU-INSTALL] installing Sensu plugin gem ‘sensu-plugins-ansible’ Fetching: sensu-plugins-ansible-0.0.4.gem (100%) You can use the embedded Ruby by setting EMBEDDED_RUBY=true in /etc/default/sensu Successfully installed sensu-plugins-ansible-0.0.4 1 … Read more

How to process SNMP traps with Sensu?

We are evaluating monitoring systems with Sensu being one of the candidates. One requirement we have is processing of the SNMP traps. My searches come up with Sensu-extensions only, but the extensions are from third parties and not even available via gem. Can Sensu process SNMP traps — either out of the box or with … Read more

How to install a specific version of a Sensu plugin using `sensu-install`?

In order to prevent that the latest version of a plugin will break the Production monitoring it should be possible to install a specific version: Attempt [user@host ~]$ sensu-install –help Usage: sensu-install [options] -h, –help Display this message -v, –verbose Enable verbose logging -p, –plugin PLUGIN Install a Sensu PLUGIN -P, –plugins PLUGIN[,PLUGIN] PLUGIN or … Read more

Deleting Node entry in the Sensu Client List Remotely

I am using Terraform to Auto Provision and Puppet to push the applications. I have integrated a sensu server to monitor the server activity. This whole process is automated through Jenkins. After decommissioning the server, the node entry is still present in the Sensu client list. sensu-cli client delete <node_name> I need to use this … Read more

Sensu URL check from central to a group of servers

We have around 100 web servers that need to be checked for, hitting on port 8888 on each from the sensu server (the check can not be from the client as it need to be done from the outside.) ACan anybody point the best practice to agregate said group of servers to a stand alone … Read more