Cannot connect to a site with a self-signed certificate

So we’ve just set up a site with IIS 8.0, that is normally accesible via port 80 and no certificate requirement. we’ve created a self signed certificate we’ve set up site bindings through port 443 with the self signed certificate, IP address set to : All Unassigned, Hoste name field is left empty. Bindings on … Read more

Creating private key to certificate

I am trying to replace an expired certificate for a new one, with 2 years of validation(with IIS GUI to create self signed certificates I got just 1 year), and using exchange management shell, with: new-exchangecertificate -subjectname “<…>” -domainname <…> -generaterequest:$True -keysize 2048 -path <…> -privatekeyexportable:$True and then, choose my CA. After that, certreq.exe -submit … Read more

Do I even need a federation certificate?

I’m in the process of migrating our Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2016, which is going smoothly, except for one issue, which I just can’t seem to find an answer to. The 2010 Exchange had an expired Federation certificate, this of course was migrated to the 2016 Exchange automatically. And expectedly both servers are complaining it … Read more

Is it possible to have full SSL security on localhost services?

I’ve been reading a lot about SSL certificate as of late and trying to get my localhost services to have SSL certificates to avoid warnings and whatnot. These services are 100% local, their ports are NEVER exposed to the outside. I understand that it’s not possible for a CA to issue certificates for localhost domains … Read more

Client Certificate Authentication and Windows Authentication on IIS

I have a https service hosted in IIS 10 which previously was using windows authentication, and was working good. Now, we need to implement Client Certificate Authentication. Currently i have enabled both Client Certificate Mapping Authentication and Windows Authentication, and configured the service to accept client certificate. Everything works good like this, but when i … Read more

AWS API Gateway: self-signed cert for backend HTTP endpoint integration

I have a simple AWS API gateway endpoint. It accepts an https GET request, this is passed to a back-end https API via an integraiton request, and returns simple JSON. This works great when we hit a back-end with an SSL cert from a trusted 3rd party CA. However, in QA, we use a self-signed … Read more

Will an IIS SelfSSL certificate still be valid when the signing server is replaced?

Will my 10 year valid self-signed certificate, that is using a common name not resembling any hostname, still be valid/trusted by others in the AD, after the signing server is replaced in maybe a few years? It will be used for 802.1x authentication. I think yes, as it is being deployed via GPO to all … Read more

Cannot create SSL Engine: The target principle name is incorrect, SSL and SAP HANA

I’m getting the following error when attempting to connect to a tenant database in a multi-tenant SAP HANA Server running on SUSE Linux: I can connect via SSL to the system database of the HANA server, and the server’s certificate was created on the system server. Therefore, I think the problem is that the “principal … Read more

Self signed certificate is still trusted after revocation

I have create Root CA and Server Certificate following didierstevens blog. My browsers still trusts the certificate even after revoking the server certificate. I was getting certificate revoked error message for my old CA and certificate. I followed same blog for creating new CA and cert but it is not working now. I have hosted … Read more

Configuring Imported Self Signed SSL Certificate to SQL Server Express

I’ve created a self-signed certificate and configured with SQL Server Express. The encryption works fine on my PC. When I export the certificate to another PC I can import fine and can see the certificate in MMC under Personal > Certificates. However when I try to configure with SQL Server Express on the new PC, … Read more