Self signed ssl I created for localhost cannot be trusted even though I have already imported it to chrome

I am creating https server side that I am using to practice OAuth to Instagram which requires https. I generated a certificate using ssl by running the script from the following link: The script ran just fine and I received all the expected files. I’ve imported the ca.crt to my chrome under the trusted … Read more

nginx: No client certificate CA names sent

I have nginx and want it to verify client certificates. So I bought commercial certificate for server, and non-commercial for clients. Basically I’ve generated client certificates with easy-rsa scripts. Connecting with client certificates validation disabled works as expected. Connecting with “ssl_verify_client on;” fails with code 400 and no information in error or access log. nginx … Read more

How can I create self-signed certificate that is stronger than SHA-1?

For development environment, I can create create self-signed certificate in IIS7.5. But that certificate is SHA-1 and recently browsers are complaining about it. When I open FireBug I see following warnings: “This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it’s recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.” So … Read more

Why not validate self signed certificates through DNS-record instead of letsencrypt

I was just wondering. We use a lot of SSL certificates. Nowadays, we almost exclusively use letsencrypt (thanks!). The bottom line of these certificates is, that proof of ownership of the domain name(s) on the certificate comes from the power to manipulate either the DNS records or the website under these domains. The DNS proof … Read more

Why openssl ignore -days for expiration date for self signed certificate?

I have a bash script that generates a self-signed certificate and works perfectly fine: #! /bin/bash # Generate self signed root CA cert openssl req -nodes -x509 -days 358000 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ca.key -out ca.crt -subj “/C=IR/ST=TEH/L=Torento/O=CTO/OU=root/” # Generate server cert to be signed openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -days 358000 -keyout server.key -out server.csr … Read more