Robocopy in powershell

I want to copy the csv files from two different servers and then paste those files at some location on 3rd server. CSV File location on 1st server is – E:\HC_Disk\Sample\”+”DiskSpace-“+(Get-Date -format yyyyMMdd)+”.csv CSV file location on 2nd server – E:\HC_Disk\Sample\”+”DiskSpace-“+(Get-Date -format yyyyMMdd)+”.csv I have the script which generates the files everyday. My main concern … Read more

where can I learn the limitations of /LEV:n option of Robocopy command

Hey I am moving a file server to another datacenter. I use robocopy but I don’t know the limits of the /LEV:nutility. Is this “n” can be 100 or something for some crazy admins? I searched but I didn’t find any info about the maximum level size of LEV. (I am new around here and … Read more

robocopy cannot find path [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 5 years ago. Improve this question i have batch script like bellow: SET SOURCE=F:\Diff\For_VOYAGE\models.pck.files\models\players SET DESTINATION=F:\Diff\For_VOYAGE\models.pck.files\NEW\models\players SET LOG=LOG.txt robocopy %SOURCE%\装备\女\印度舞娘时装上衣 %DESTINATION%\装备\女\印度舞娘时装上衣 /E /LOG+:%LOG% when i execute it, giving me … Read more

Robocopy logon script – copy all files, except 1, unless it doesnt exist

Currently have a GPO that calls a batch file at logon, that copyies files from one folder to another: Robocopy “C:\logon” “X:\user1” /mir /r:1 w:1 Exit This overwrites all the files in the destination, which is what I want, but I need to exclude one file, call if file1, if it already exists in the … Read more

Mounted VHD gives access denied during file copy

I want to copy files from VM to another. I’m running windows 2008 on the VM Manager. Both machines are Server 2012. I tuned them both off. Mounted the VHDs to the manger pc. I can see the both files and folders, but cannot copy. I want to move files from Windows/WinSxS to the other … Read more

robocopy to new server and new domain

First question here so I thank you in advance for any input. Simple situation but a little different from the usual ones, so I want to confirm before proceeding. Small office with less than 10 users. Partnership ending but both are keeping the D drive data. Old server remaining in production is DC and file … Read more

batch file command to continue execution after calling a powershell script which is located outside

Need one command, let me explain my query. I am running a robocopy command using the .bat file robocopy c:\Testing d:\Testing After above command, I am calling powershell script by using below command. powershell.exe -noexit -file .\Testreplace.ps1 Now, I wanted to continue the execution of remaining script in .bat file once the above powershell script … Read more

How to copy user permissions in Windows server 2012 r2?

I have windows server 2012 r2 and two storage drive. lest say A and B. I have created users and given files and folder access in drive A but now it is crashed and now I want to give all the same user permission in Drive B. I have same folders in both drives. How … Read more