run startup script which requires a xserver session

I have a python3-script which uses the Gtk-module (imported from gi.repository, for recent-manager functionality), requiring a link to the current xserver session (lightdm service in Ubuntu). Running it manually via console (in a xserver session) works, but i want it to autorun. An init.d script won’t work (setting the DISPLAY variable to 0.0). Using xvfb-run … Read more

How not to show separate browser instance in Unity for Web Apps?

I’ve been working on using the WebApps available in Ubuntu such as Facebook and Reddit. I’ve been using QLE to add more things to the quicklist to add more functionality to them. I was going to include screenshots but I can’t take a screenshot with the quicklist open. For example, I went to Facebook and … Read more

Chrome quick list open specific website

I have managed to get quick list showing for chrome, however I would like to add a link which opens chrome and goes to a certain website. How can this be achieved? X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts=NewWindow;Incognito; [NewWindow Shortcut Group] Name=New Window Exec=google-chrome TargetEnvironment=Unity [Incognito Shortcut Group] Name=New incognito window Exec=google-chrome –incognito TargetEnvironment=Unity Answer I don’t have access to … Read more

How to reference to .desktop file? (installed in /opt) in a dynamic quicklist?

I’m trying to create a dynamic quicklist for an application I’m developing in quickly. This is the line of code I use to try and connect to the .desktop file: self.launcher = Unity.LauncherEntry.get_for_desktop_id(“my-app.desktop”) For testing purposes, I’ve found that when using quickly run I should copy the .desktop file to ~/.local/share/applications. When I do this, … Read more

Rdio Quicklists

I would like to have “Play/Pause” “Next” and “Previous” buttons in the quicklist for my Rdio.desktop “web app.” Detailed Explanation The web app can be created either from Chrome (by going to menu > tools > create application shortcuts) or through Unity’s web app interface. Either of these methods puts a .desktop file in /home/user/.local/share/applications/ … Read more

How do I make a quicklist for umplayer?

It’s very useful/great multimedia player and more. Youtube search, watch and saving features, too many file formats that can play etc. How can I make UMPLAYER quicklist for Unity icon ? Note : umplayer -h parameters are complicated, I tryed but… Answer Copy the original .desktop file to your home folder: cp /usr/share/applications/umplayer.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/ Open … Read more

How do I add a “new window” entry to the nautilus quicklist?

When I right click on ‘file manager’ in the launcher I can select ‘home folder’, but it takes an open nautilus window and displays the home folder in that window, often shunting me back to a different workspace. How can I open a new nautilus window from the launcher? Answer You can use the middle … Read more