Blackbox-exporter modules header

How to provide headers in modules in blackbox.yml. module: prober: http http: headers: Authorization : “—-” This returns in error parsing config file:yaml: unmarshal errors Answer Look’s to like a syntax error. This line Authorization : “—-” should be: Authorization: “—-” AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : Ravi , Answer Author : Henrik Pingel

How to track down this spike in Disk IO every 5 minutes on Ubuntu Server / microk8s

I’ve set up an Ubuntu Server with microk8s, with the dns, dashboard and prometheus addons. It’s running some Cardano nodes. On the (built-in) Grafana dashboard “Default / Nodes” I see spikes in the Disk IO “on time” every 5 minutes like clockwork: I’m curious what this is – I don’t know anything that Ubuntu/microk8s would … Read more

Monitor health of prometheus deployment within kubernetes?

The setup is currently this: Kubernetes is deployed on AWS instances within a private hosted zone on AWS (only vpn access to the instances, though there is a NAT gatway), with Prometheus deployed as a stateful set within kubernetes to monitor health. The question is, how do I set it up so I get an … Read more

Docker container (mysqld-exporter) cannot access other docker container (mysql) on one server

In my (simplified) setup, I have 2 Servers, A and B (and others, which behave like B), and my local machine. On each of the servers, a mysql-database and a mysqld-exporter prometheus-exporter should be running as docker containers. The containers are not linked, but communicate via the network over the opened port. The servers are … Read more

textfile for Windows

I need to export some custom metrics generated by a script under Windows. Under Linux, I am already doing it, based on Robust Perception / Brian Brazil article : The node exporter includes many metrics out of the box, it can’t possibly cover all use cases though. That’s where the textfile collector comes in, allowing … Read more

Configuring jmx_exporter with tomcat

I am trying to expose some of my spring application metrics (Spring). The metrics are mainly database connection metrics. To do so, I started by configuring a hikari connection pool, then I used jmx. To export the metrics to prometheus then visiualize them with Grafana, I tried to used jmx_prometheus_exporter [][1] I downlaoded the jmx_exporter … Read more

Analysing latency for a single request

I have the following (very simplified) network : (ingress) -> DMZ (nginx) -> HA Proxy -> Reverse proxy (nginx) -> Application Server (tomcat) All the layers send information to Prometheus and then we use Grafana to monitor them. We had some latency issues. So we had to analyse each layer individually to find which layer … Read more

OpenShift 3.11: Prometheus operator update

According to the docs the Prometheus operator on a OpenShift 3.11 cluster is self-upgrading. However, i have upgraded the cluster to 3.11.141 yesterday, but the operator is still stuck on 3.11.117. There are prometheus images for 3.11.141 available, so i am wondering when this self-update will take place. Can i somehow trigger it manually, maybe … Read more

Monitoring EKS Kubernetes LoadBalancer service Type

I have created few services in Kubernetes with type: LoadBalancer. Platform: EKS. Is there a way to get number of 4xx or 5xx errors from this LoadBalancer? I have tried the following: Prometheus – Does not seem to be any metric collected for services with HTTP response codes. AWS Cloudwatch – Does not show data … Read more

Some Prometheus alerts mislabelled

We’ve been using Prometheus with fairly solid success so far. However, we’ve recently noticed that one of the sets of alerts we’ve set up ends up mislabelled: It shows up as a different environment than it is. This happens with both environments where we have multiple targets, so I’m wondering if this is a syntax … Read more