Database password error in Owncloud migrating from SQLite to MySQL/MariaDB

In a Fedora system, I need to convert the Owncloud’s SQLite database into a MySQL/MariaDB database I started installing MySQL: # systemctl enable mysqld # systemctl start mysqld $ mysql_secure_installation then $ mysql -u root -p CREATE USER ‘owncloud_user’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘12345’; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS owncloud; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON owncloud.* TO ‘owncloud_user’@’localhost’ … Read more

Redirecting certain website paths to different webservers

Currently my primary web server is IIS8 on Server_2012r2 and I set up a secondary web server using Apache on CentOS that is running Own-cloud, is it possible to make it so when I type in it stays on the IIS server, but if I go to it would forward that particular ULR … Read more

Nginx with owncloud (https redirected) and reverse proxy for node.js issues

I’m pulling my hair out with the sparse support and documentation for Ubuntu server 15.04. although that’s to be expected from a non LTS release. I have Nginx serving Owncloud, called in sites-available and symlinked to sites-enabled. OwnCloud is served from the same server as NGinx, with validated SSL certs. The problem I face, … Read more

OwnCloud and Azure Active Directory integration

Is it possible to integrate ownCloud ( with Azure Active Directory for auth? Answer Today answer is no : Azure AD can’t be used directlty as an Authentication Directory for Owncloud. If you synchronize your AD with an Azure AD (using AAD Connect) and expose your Owncloud Server through Azure AD Proxy (, you should … Read more

ownCloud 9 MySQL not supported

I’m trying to install ownCloud 9 to FreeBSD 10 with nginx as web server. I am using this official manual, which tells me to use this command: sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:install –database “mysql” –database-name “owncloud” –database-user “root” –database-pass “password” –admin-user “admin” –admin-pass “password” But I get this error: [InvalidArgumentException] Database <mysql> is not … Read more

How to install ownCloud on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard?

We have a huge server with Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard and 12Tb of storage. We want to use some of that amount of space to install a program like ownCloud/Dropbox there. I’ve started with ownCloud but I got a lot of problems and getting 403 errors. error windows server PHP is not working properly … Read more

mysqld won’t start on fedora 22 [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 5 years ago. Improve this question I have a vm running a LAMP stack with Fedora 22. This is a server dedicated to running OwnCloud. The server and OwnCLoud … Read more