apt/maven/npm checksum failure on amazon ec2

I’m recently encountering multiple download checksum failures when booting ec2 machine. This manifests itself with sporadic failures of apt, maven and npm installs. In one case that the pom checksum failed, I found a Fastly Debug message in the file. Notes: I’m using the standard ubuntu 12.04 ec2 image with a user-data script and running … Read more

Which combination of global/local sudo/notsudo for which node.js npm install package?

I’d like to install packages like these on MacOSX, but interested in Windows or Linux versions too: npm install express npm install swig npm install mongodb npm install consolidate npm install http-auth If I call npm without sudo, some of them will fail: Error: EACCES, open ‘/Users/me/.npm/cookie/0.1.2/package.tgz’ npm ERR! { [Error: EACCES, open ‘/Users/me/.npm/cookie/0.1.2/package.tgz’] npm … Read more

Any way to stop apt-get upgrade downgrading npm to version 2?

I installed nodejs 4 on Ubuntu 14.04 using node’s official PPA, as described here. It seems like npm v2 is the default so I upgraded npm to v3 using itself (npm update –global). Version 3 is required by the software I am deploying. Everything is fine until I run regular security updates etc. using apt-get … Read more

how to resolve rename error when insalling grunt via npm without admin access?

I need to install grunt for a project setup in Windows 7. However, I am running into an issue that whenever I try to install grunt globally, it fails because of a permission error. A few other people had this problem and a few others do not, the error that comes up is EPERM: operation … Read more

npm update fails with cryptonote

I’m installing the electroneum pool git. I ran npm update and I keep getting the same error, I’ve tried changing node version but that doesn’t make any difference. Here is the error root@ubuntu:~/pool# npm update > bignum@0.12.5 install /root/pool/node_modules/bignum > node-pre-gyp install –fallback-to-build [bignum] Success: “/root/pool/node_modules/bignum/binding/bignum.node” is installed via remote > cryptonote-util@0.0.3 install /root/pool/node_modules/cryptonote-util > … Read more