tweaking a regex in Notepad++

I need to create a regex for Notepad++ for the below expression, when the text of “Letter to Mary”changes {\par\pard\qc \b Letter to Mary °\par\pard} I tried the following but it is not working \{\\par\\pard\\qc \\b ([^}]+)\\pard} Answer I need to create a regex for Notepad++ for the below expression {\par\pard\qc \b Letter to Mary … Read more

Remove Certain Characters in Long Chain (SMS)

I have a long .xml file of SMS with some messages in this format: <sms protocol=”0″ address=” (xxx) xxx-xxxx” date=”1349121360000″ type=”2″ subject=”null” body=”Body of the SMS is here” toa=”null” sc_toa=”null” service_center=”null” read=”1″ status=”-1″ locked=”0″ date_sent=”0″ readable_date=”Oct 1, 2012 3:56:00 PM” contact_name=”(Unknown)” /> I want to replace only the address field with a standardized format of … Read more

Trying to install plugin “Preview HTML”, and failing

Notepad++ version 6.8.8. Windows 7. Notepad++ installed as administrator. Can install some other plugins, but not “Preview HTML”. During installation, a dialog box pops up with title “Installation Error”. The dialog message says “Installation of Preview HTML failed.” This dialog box appears before the plugin has downloaded. I get the same error also when trying … Read more

Notepad++ Replace hint for text file

i’m having some trouble about replacing option string. I need to replace <option value=”91″>Afghanistan</option> need to become <option value=”Afghanistan”>Afghanistan</option> All between the two apix value need to be the state, the value after > and < I can’t figure how to do it with a reguar expression. Thanks in advance Answer Look for “([^”]*)”>([^]]*)< and … Read more

How to copy file (as in file handle, not contents) to clipboard from within SlickEdit or Notepad++

I’m wondering if there is built-in or plug-in functionality for this feature for either of these apps. I’d like to be looking at file open in SlickEdit or Notepad++, and then either from a menu or right click context menu, copy a file handle (not the name/path of the file or file contents) to the … Read more

Notepad++ Regular Help list

Hi i have my list like this : Name | Surname | email | Name | Surname | email | Name | Surname | email | Name | Surname | email | I want to copy all email like this : email email email email How can i do that using regex in notepad++ ? … Read more

How to duplicate all bookmarked lines in Notepad++

I would like to go though all bookmarked lines and duplicate them. This would be an automated way to pressing F2 then Ctrl+D. I’ve tried macros and two \1 with find and replace with regular expressions. ———————Example before———————— hostname RTA interface Loopback0 ip address interface Ethernet0 ip address router ospf 10 … Read more