What’s causing Network Egress consumption in a GKE cluster?

I have a not-so-small cluster hosted on Google Kubernetes Engine (2 e2-standard nodes) with a couple of web services talking to each other. The architecture is composed by: 2 Cloud SQL instances, hosted on GCP 1 deployment and 1 statefulset, 1 replica each an Nginx Ingress Controller installation that exposes both apps (the deploy and … Read more

NGINX Ingress giving 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable. nginx/1.19.1 error in frontend

I am trying to install the Cyclos Mobile app on GCP Everything setup perfectly but when I am trying to access the setup on browser it always showing either default backend – 404 or 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable. nginx/1.19.1. I have tried everything as per stack overflow several previous questions but still same error. kind: … Read more

nginx route traffic from ip in path to local ip

I am trying to route the traffic from an nginx, to a specific IP, corresponding to a path. Basically if I am accessing http://example.com/, I want to redirect the traffic to the pod with that specific IP (the result should be I tried this (and multiple variations) but it doesn’t seem to work. location … Read more

URLs with special characters don’t redirect to the backend service

My nginx ingress dont redirect correctly urls having the special characters “[” and “]” to the backend service. There is my ingress config: apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: {{ $app }}-ingress labels: app: {{ $app }} chart: chart-{{ $app }} app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm annotations: meta.helm.sh/release-name: {{ $app }} meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: … Read more

HAProxy reverse proxy connecting to Kubernetes nginx-ingress controller issue

Background: I’ve got a one node K8s cluster via kubeadm with the default nginx-ingress controller deployed. I’m trying to get the default nginx web server deployment accessible to test successful node ingress via the nginx ingress controller. Since its bare metal I’m using a HAProxy outside the cluster as a reverse proxy (Saying a one … Read more

Kubernetes pod, allow HTTP access just from VPN

Okay, maybe I’m not searching correctly since I didn’t found the answer, so help me please. So, I have an EKS cluster (kubernetes cluster provided by AWS), and I have some web applications running there. These applications are exposed to the internet through one Network LoadBalancer from AWS and a NGINX ingress, like this: Client/browser … Read more

NLB with NGINX controller on my EKS cluster Each service I deploy creates its own NLB instead of using the existing one

I am trying to use an NLB with NGINX controller on my EKS cluster. Each service I deploy creates its own NLB instead of using the existing one. Here’s what I’m doing, please help me where I’m going wrong kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-0.40.2/deploy/static/provider/aws/deploy.yaml Applying this deployment, service and Ingress apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: … Read more

Use nginx-ingress to expose more than 2 ports

I’m using the nginx ingress controller in my Kubernetes cluster and I need to expose 2 services. One is a simple webserver (listening on port 80/443) and another service is a REST-API (listening on port 8080). In this case, I need to expose 3 different ports. The first 2 ports (80 and 443) are no … Read more