MSMQ messages disappear for local System

I am using non transnational MSMQ message and all the message are being received in Queue but after 1-2 minutes all the message being disappeared and this is happening on iis application 2.0 and the same thing working fine using visual studio. Answer The issue looks resolved using below code and there is no IIS … Read more

Clustered MSMQ can’t send to queue in another forest

I have MSMQ running on a two-node Windows 2003 cluster. When I try to send transactional messages to a queue on a Windows 2008 server in another forest, the messages get stuck in the cluster’s outgoing queue. The outgoing queue says “waiting to connect” and has the destination server’s IP for the next hop. I … Read more

MSMQ HTTP server communication with non-.NET clients

Is MSMQ compatible with non .NET platforms? I have an MSMQ service hosted by IIS for HTTP support, and would like to see if an SAP system is able to access it. Is it possible for an SAP system to use/call a MSMQ HTTP service? I have attempted to use SoapUI to test the MSMQ … Read more

How to change default MSMQ Time-To-Reach-Queue time?

We have a problem with Time-To-Reach-Queue being too long in Microsoft Message Queuing on some servers running Windows Server 2008 R2 . How can we change the default time on the servers from 4 days to a lower value? (Copy of: Answer If you are talking about servers that belong to a domain AND … Read more

Can’t get MSMQ to receive messages via FQDN via HTTP

Context – Server 2008 R2 with private queue, IIS setup. Sending messages via HTTP from other computers. [MSMQ is not in the ‘default web site’. I changed the ID of my website to 1 to install msmq (after previously un installing it)] I could do with some help. I’ve read through all the ‘msmq messages … Read more

MSMQ missing from Server Manger after patching

We have MSMQ installed on a Windows 2008 R2 installation. Recently, MSMQ disappears from Server Manager after each patching run. Server manager console cannot show the MSMQ branch that is supposed to be under Features. The MSMQ service is still running in the background but hangs when we attempt to restart it or shut it … Read more

Can’t load MSMQ COM Object on Windows Server 2012

My VBScript tries to load MSMQ COM Object Set MSMQQueueInfo = CreateObject(“MSMQ.MSMQQueueInfo”) I enabled Messaging DCOM Proxy Script can’t load COM object: Answer You need to specify the machine you are creating the queue on. Using Message Queuing over DCOM AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : Matt , Answer Author : John Breakwell

MSMQ not being emptied – removed the MSMQ limit chrashes server due to insuffient space

I currently having a issue with a message that keeps getting bigger and bigger. and when I check each individual message It is empty?.. Why are these not removed automatically? These Messaes and the increasing MSMQ is causing our prod server to chrash, and restart with an empty queue. btw. it is a private queue … Read more

MSMQ Storage Quotas Mismatch

Given the situation were the storage quotas are different on the send / receive servers. Which one overrides? For example the message limit on the sender is 1GB but on the receiver it’s 10GB, does the queue on the receiver grow beyond 1GB? Answer The storage quota is local. The receiver can store up to … Read more