Navigating cross-references in Word 2010 inserts diamond shape

I am having an issue with Microsoft Word and navigating cross references. I have inserted a cross reference to a chapter header and it works. When I use the alt+left arrow combination, this takes me back to the cross reference as expected. However, it also replaces one the characters in the cross reference with a … Read more

Word 2010 forms: applying “data-filled-in” style to Plain Text Content Control

Figure 1. Field in Normal style. I have created a form with pretty placeholder prompts (boxes added for demonstration) in faint colour in the Plain Text Content Controls. So far, so good. When the user types over the prompt the text style changes to normal. That’s good too. The prompts are faint – the filled … Read more

EXCEL table linked to WORD overwrites WORD table properties

I have 30 EXCEL tables – Linked with Formatting – into 8 WORD documents. I would like the Table Properties ROW in the WORD document to Repeat Header and Not allow row to break across pages. This is easy to setup in the WORD document, but disappears when the WORD doc is updated from EXCEL. … Read more

MS Word 2010 hyperlink issues

I’m revising a MS Word procedural document not of my creation using Word 2010. As I attempt to create hyperlinks from the Table of Contents to newly added document content, the hyperlink window that opens doesn’t show the new document content. Clearly, this makes hyperlink creation impossible. I’ve not seen this condition before, have never … Read more

Windows 10 sometimes crashes and restarts, other issues as well

I have recently installed free version of Windows 10 and since then I feel my machine has many problems. Sometimes it crashes and restarts, and so some other times mozilla Firefox stops responding, and some times Office doesn’t recognise key. Any solutions please? Answer I had constant problems with Windows 10 when I first installed … Read more