Equations saved from Word 2007 for Windows do not appear in Word 2008 for Mac

I am a math teacher who uses Word 2008 on the Mac, and I need to collaborate with other teachers who are using Word 2007 under Windows. When they send me a document with mathematical equations in it, I can open it but cannot see the equations or the document loses formatting, such as superscript … Read more

Equations saved from Word 2007 for Windows do not appear in Word 2008 for Mac

I am a math teacher who uses Word 2008 on the Mac, and I need to collaborate with other teachers who are using Word 2007 under Windows. When they send me a document with mathematical equations in it, I can open it but cannot see the equations or the document loses formatting, such as superscript … Read more

Vector notation in Word equation editor comes up as “r” on Mac OS X

I am using Word 2008 on Mac OS X and find that whenever I try to make denote a letter as a vector variable (with an arrow pointing to the right on top of the letter) using Equation Editor, the letter appears with the letter “r” on top of it — instead of the arrow. … Read more

Setting Second-Level Bullet Indent in Microsoft Word 2008

I am trying to set the indent of the second level of bullets in my “List Paragraph” style to 1″. I was able to modify the first level by: Style >> Modify >> Paragraph However, there does not appear to be an option to modfiy the second level. The paragraph and bullet screens are not … Read more

Trying to print 4×6 pages on US Letter paper

Here’s the goal. I’m trying to make 4×6 notecards for the play Twelfth Night. My idea was to create a Word document with page size 4×6 and then print it 2 pages to a page. The problem is that Word sizes the 4×6 page to fit onto a US Letter page, then fits two of … Read more

Exporting an audio recording in MS Word 2008 (Mac)

I have recorded a lecture in Microsoft Word 2008 for Mac. Now I would like to export the recording from the Word file as an .mp3 or some other audio format. How can I go about doing that? This is my current screen: Answer I found the answer. Just in case anyone else finds themselves … Read more

Word template necessary for multiple users?

I have created a document in MS Word using a company-standard template to define many paragraph and character styles. This document now needs to be passed around to multiple (non-company) co-authors for editing. Do the other authors need to have a copy of the dotx template file, in addition to the docx file, in order … Read more

How to access “in progress word count” for Mac Microsoft Word 2008

Word ordinarily counts the number of words in a document as you type, easily allowing you to keep track of how far you are into an assignment and bookmarking sections. A recent program update has removed this feature. I can still access word count by using the tools menu, however, this is not nearly as … Read more